Rebuild Strengthen Reassure
About us
Rebuild Strengthen Reassure
Spring City COG is located at 3867 Schuylkill Road, Spring City PA 19475. We reside in the heart of Chester County. Spring City COG is a thriving church that's been around for many decades proclaiming our love for Jesus Christ. SCCOG is made up of diverse church body that is a mix of traditional and contemporary style of worship. The word of God is preached in a way that is practical and relatable to our world today. We strive to reach our community by hosting movie nights, free meals, clothes and coats to those in shelters, transitional homes, as well as to others in need. Whatever you're searching for in a church family you'll find it at SCCOG. Love springs at Spring City, Hope springs at Spring City, Joy springs at Spring City and most importantly you'll find God at Spring City COG..
our pastors:

Solomon Brown
Senior Pastor
Magdalheen Brown
Associate Pastor